The Cueva de los Camarones or Cueva de Juanito is a diving area in Tenerife with an average depth of 25 meters and a maximum of 31 meters. It is an ideal dive for divers with medium level, with a great scenic interest thanks to the submerged monoliths and a cave that can be explored in part.
🧭 The best areas to dive in Cueva de los Camarones
The most interesting area to dive is the veril (-18 m/-31 m) which can be explored completely and where the cave is located. On the outskirts of it, large rocky peaks emerge from the bottom and there is a virgin and a submerged dolphin in memory of Commander J. Y. Cousteau.
🐠 What marine species can be seen in the area?
- Moray eels: they are predatory fish with elongated and slender bodies that camouflage themselves very well in their rocky environment. They have prominent teeth and a large mouth to catch their prey.
- Pejeverde: also known as the lemon fish, it is a brightly colored fish found in warm, tropical waters. It has an oval body shape and its skin is covered with scales.
- Cabrilla: it is a large and aggressive fish characterized by dark spots and stripes on its light brown skin. It feeds mainly on crustaceans and other fish.
- Trumpet fish: it is an elongated fish with a large, pointed head that resembles a trumpet. It has a large mouth and sharp teeth to capture its prey.
- Sargo breado: it is a medium-sized fish with a large head and bulging eyes. It has a silvery skin with dark spots and is very common on rocky coasts.
- Garden eel: is a species of eel found on rocky shores. It has a dark skin and is covered with white spots that look like a garden.
- Striped stingrays: they are medium-sized stingrays characterized by their flattened body and long, thin tail. They are predators and feed on crustaceans and small fish.
- Nudibranchs: They are marine mollusks with bright colors and strange shapes. They are carnivorous and feed on sponges and other marine invertebrates.
🤿 Conditions for diving in Juanito’s Cave
It is recommended to dive with medium level of experience and be cautious when entering the cave as it can be dangerous and has no special interest. The current is infrequent and of low intensity, and the predominant bottom type is rocky, with large stones and a cave.